Inter Stacking Bins

The rotoX range of inter stacking bins are food grade, heavy duty, stackable plastic bins perfect for use as food handling containers and for food storage applications. A favourite amongst the food manufacturing, food processing and bakery industries inter stacking bins are often called bakery bins or ingredient tubs. Our range of food grade bins include 4 sizes (in height and capacity) of stacking bin and each shares an identical base diameter, allowing them to stack regardless of model. They are produced using rotational moulding and are incredibly tough and durable, with a seamless, crevice-free, smooth interior and exterior that is easy to clean and hygienic.
These food grade bins are commonly used throughout the food industry for storing and handling ingredients such as flour, grains, spices, sugars and much more. A popular choice within retail bakers and industrial plant bakeries these bakery tubs can be produced in over 12 different food approved colour options to assist with colour coding regulations, product identification and product segregation. Inter stacking bins are straight sided plastic tubs and stack on top of one another securely, if you require tapered bins please refer to our range of plastic tapered bins.