- Category
- Buckets 0
- Brushware 0
- Schöpflöffel und Kannen 6
- Plastic Jugs 2
- Schaber und Rührer 11
- Stirrers 2
- Paddel und Schaufeln 6
- Plastic Paddles 7
- Edelstahlutensilien 26
- Metalldetektierbare Produkte 19
- Messer und Schneidebretter 17
- Chopping Boards 3
- Waagen und Thermometer 11
- Thermometers 4
- Shadow Board Service 1
- Hangers 7
- Squeegees 4
- Mops 3
- Signs 3
Hygiene Equipment & Hand Utensils

We supply large quantities of hygiene equipment and hand utensils to facilities across the UK whether it being brushware to clean and maintain sites or knives and chopping boards for use in food processing factories. In this section you will find all the food preparation equipment you need; ranging from scoops and jugs to weigh scales and thermometers. We also supply hand scrapers, stirrers, shovels and paddles - suitable for small and large food industry sites.
Our shadow boards are made to your bespoke requirements to allow for easy item storage and identification and our metal detectable products are designed to show up on sensors to reduce the risk of foreign object contamination.
Browse through our brushware, mops and squeegees and hanger and signs sections to equip yourself with everything you need to fully clean and maintain your workplace.